My Art Story

I am a self-taught watercolorist who learned to paint from artists on YouTube. The pandemic had hit us and to deal with some of the struggles that people were having, a friend and I taught monthly classes on Zoom to mix art with self-care. When my friend introduced us to watercolor, I was hooked! I’ve always been a fairly creative person but I never practiced consistently.

However, this time something sprung up in me and I was obsessed! I painted daily for self-care and as a hobby. Soon I started sharing my art on Instagram and then at the end of 2022 started my Patreon membership and Youtube channel January 2023. Watercolor has gotten me through anxiety and a bought of depression, and I am so grateful for it all. 

What I've Learned So Far

By teaching I’ve discovered that what many students struggle with is leaving perfectionism behind and trying to keep their thoughts and body calm while painting. I’ve also realized through teaching my elementary school students that there is a point in time when we lose the free and playful expression of creating like a child.

But can we change? I believe we can! My greatest hope is that you can utilize the skills in my videos, not only to become a more skillful watercolor painter, but to grow as a kinder and calmer, more giving person to the world around you!

 In my spare time, you can find me bumming around with my husband and two children, hiking and enjoying nature, seeking after sunrises and sunsets, and spending solid prayer time with my Creator who sustains me.

A Small Glimpse in my "Studio"

One day I hope to have a studio or at least a room to myself but until now, a small space in our bedroom by the window is what I have!
I'm truly grateful for this space, the setup that allows me to create for self-care, for encouragement, and for learning. Ladies and gentlemen, this is where the watercolor magic happens!

I love having my painting space right up against a window for so much natural light!