Come Paint with Me in Italy
Only 1 spot left!

Art Retreat October 20-27, 2024

Are You Ready for an Adventure?

The Quick Facts:

  • Retreat cost:  $3,200 total
  • Duration: 7 nights, 8 days
  • Trip is non-refundable, travel insurance is required to help cover expenses for interruptions or you need to cancel
  • 1 out of 16 spots left!
  • All inclusive:
       Excursions + transport
       Courtesy airport transfers

Happy to schedule a call or Zoom to discuss your questions!

Sponsored Art Supplies for Each Attendee:
Generous donations from Kristy Rice and Meeden Art!

I'm excited to announce that each attendee will receive 1 of each of the following supplies for our retreat:

  • 6-piece watercolor brush set, travel brush, collapsible painters pot, and paint palette from KRISTY RICE
  • 10x7 100% Cotton Cold-Press Watercolor Pad from MEEDEN ART

How this Retreat is Unique

How would you like to spend a glorious week painting, exploring, swimming, dining in the gorgeous and peaceful countryside of the south of Italy, off the coast of the Mediterranean sea?

During this relaxing art retreat, we will be staying in a beautifully restored historic Italian farmhouse overlooking the Sea. The venue and grounds are reserved for our group and you will have full access to explore the gardens, roof-top terraces, and open spaces.

We won’t be rushed but we will be enjoying many activities in this incredible place as we experience what the calmer side of Italy has to offer. In addition to 7-8 painting sessions together, we will embark on exciting excursions and also savor our free time. Choose to swim in the warm sea, relax on one of the rooftop terraces with a good book, bike to the lake or sea, or maybe even take a nap :)

This retreat is all about taking time for you to relax, breath, slow down and be present each day. It’s a space to learn to let go of perfectionism in your art and just enjoy the process! And the best thing is that it is for all levels of painting as I give lots of instruction and you can take things at your own pace. You will immerse yourself in this glorious location as I teach you my personal style of painting, while we practice delighting in the whole painting process!

Taste of Our Italian
Retreat Venue

It has all the charm and rustic beauty that a recently-restored historic farmhouse should have!

Imagine These Adventures...

  • I have so many painting experiences carefully planned for you during our art retreat! Imagine learning to let go and relax while doing the following:  
  • Taking a gentle 15-minute walk (or 5-minute bike ride) to the pristine, warm, emerald Mediterranean waters of the beach down the road to paint or swim or relax
  • Dining outdoors in the spacious dining area overlooking the sea, enjoying the colorful Italian sunset 
  • Shopping in the historical town of Lecce, looking for those classic Italian gifts for those you love, while enjoying some fragrant, creamy gelato or warm, savory pizza
  • Delighting in a guided hike that ends in a picnic and a swim in the sea and making delicious homemade pasta from scratch at the venue
  • Creating memories with new friends as we also learn to grow our watercolor and sketching practice 

Our Calming Painting Sessions

During the week, there will be many fun-filled painting classes where you will experience the following:

  • I will be demonstrating some of the techniques we will be using so you can watch and learn before trying yourself
  • Playing with basic watercolor techniques, such as wet-on-wet, wet-on-dry, textures, color mixing, paint consistency and paint value
  • Sketching basic landscape shapes, getting familiar with placement and composition, adding washes and details to complete your compositions
  •  Painting the sea on location, practicing adding various layers to create depth and interest, utilizing textures
  •  Practicing painting loose florals both wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry for 1 layered florals VS using 2-3 layers on florals to create flowers with lots of depth
  •  Learning how to take balanced reference photos that have interest and then painting those objects from your photos

About Your Teacher

Hello, I'm Tammy! I’m a watercolor artist, art teacher, and mental health therapist who loves painting loose and colorful florals, as well as bold landscapes outdoors. My biggest passion is teaching you how to paint WITHOUT fear and perfectionism so you can let go and play. Because of my mental health background, I love to mix self-care with the art I create to help you enjoy the painting process, not just the end result. Together I hope we can practice art like we used to when we were kids!

Our Schedule for the Week

        Get Ready for So Much Joy!

If you are anything like me, whenever you're considering a new adventure, you want to know ALL the details before making a decision! So here is a sample of the schedule of the things that we will be doing. This will include 7-8 painting sessions (3-4 and 2-3 excursions away from the venue.

We don’t want to stressfully fill our days but rather paint joyfully and have exciting adventures and rest. So because of that, we will have a certain amount of flexibility with this and many of the things on the list can be decided on by the group as we get closer to it. I'm excited! Are you getting excited?

***This is an example schedule - things may be changed around or additions and subtractions made based on availability of excursions, transportation, etc.***

Arrive at the Brindisi airport and prepare for the transfer to the venue. There will be only one transfer included in the retreat costs but if you need another time, that can be arranged ahead of time with the venue on your own or you can get an airport taxi. After arriving and settling into our rooms, we will enjoy a tour of the history of the venue with some free time until dinner. We’ll get to know each other and share what we hope to learn during the week.

After a lovely dinner, take a 15 minute walk to the Mediterranean sea (and possible swim), a relaxing option if you would like to take it.

Morning: Enjoy a delicious breakfast before we dive into our painting class for the morning. Class: We will learn and play with basic watercolor techniques, such as color swatching and color mixing (avoiding muddy colors and using complimentary colors) and create a paint consistency scale and a value scale. As time allows, we will practice some basic flower shapes with a reference photos or worksheet. Free time until lunch.

Afternoon: Practice painting loose florals using the following techniques: Wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry for 1 layered flowers and also using 2-3 layers to give depth to your flowers. We may also use reference photos. Free time until lunch.

Enjoy a delicious breakfast before we dive into our full day of excursions.
Schedule: We will head out to Torre Guaceto, a center for the rehabilitation of sea turtles. We'll experience a guided tour of the area, as well as experience how they take care of the turtles. We'll eat our packed lunches on the beach before heading to our next destination.

Afternoon: We will drive to the city of Lecce, a historical area with lots of local shops to find the perfect gift for your loved ones. Dinner is on your own before heading back to the venue.

Morning: Have a scrumptious breakfast and chat with new friends before starting our morning class.
Class: Practice sketching basic shapes and objects of a landscape to get familiar with placement and composition. We'll practice watercolor textures and then add on washes of color and details to complete your painting. Free time until lunch.  

Afternoon: Walk and bike to the beach (15 min walk, 5 minute bike ride) and paint on location (bring basic kit, beach towel). Will work on the various layers of paint used to create depth and interest in the painting, as well as the the usage of texture. Let’s take a swim after! Free time until dinner.

Have an energy-packed breakfast and share experiences with your new friends before class starts.
Class: We'll be learning how to do some basic floral sketching, using some drawing sheets. Sketch on watercolor paper so you can go in and add watercolor over the top. We'll do as many as time allows.

Afternoon: We will embark on our journey to an olive oil tasting, where we'll enjoy a variety of oil flavors as we learn about the interesting process of making the oil itself.

Enjoy a delicious and filling Italian breakfast to energize us for our day.
Class:  Learn how to take a reference photo with your phone to frame a balanced composition. We will sketch and paint on the grounds so choose an object, floral, or plant you would like to create and  bring it to life. I will guide you through your experience as you need help and have questions. Free time until dinner.

Afternoon: We will practice sketching/painting leaf shapes. Then we'll paint a full watercolor floral bouquet with a reference photo. If time allows, you will free paint your own watercolor bouquet to further practice your skills

During free time: OPTIONAL 15 minute bike ride to the Salina Monaci lake with natural flamingos to paint on location (bring basic kit if you'de like).

Morning and afternoon: 
Our painting classes will be finished and for your last day in Italy, we will focus on relaxation and soaking up our environment. Saturdays are personally my Sabbath day of rest and I will be looking forward to relaxing and appreciating nature :)

What’s included in this day: If you choose to stay at the venue, all meals will be served to you that day. One of the scheduled events will be learning how to make fresh pasta at the venue. Some other options to consider doing include: Walking or biking to the lake or swimming in the sea, quality time with friends or on your own, going on an excursion of your choice which you would book on your own (not included in the cost) or staying in and painting, etc.

We will eat brunch together, reserving the earlier morning for restful activities of your choice, an impromtu painting session, or something else. We will then pack up and head out to the airport around 12 PM to catch the 3 PM flight! There will be only one transfer included in the retreat costs but if you need another time, that can be arranged ahead of time with the venue on your own.

***Excursions and schedule may be subject to change, depending on availability as we get closer to the trip.***

Airport and Transfers

Things to Keep in Mind About Flights

  • Please remember the time differences between your country and Italy to plan accordingly. Most of us will have to fly out from our place of residence on Saturday the 19th to arrive in Italy on the 20th. You will most likely also arrive back home from Italy on Monday, October 28th so plan accordingly.
  • You may want to purchase your arrival and departure tickets separately so that you can choose flight times close to the transfer times below. Round trip tickets may be more challenging to find in the wanted times.
  • For our arrival to Italy on Sunday, October 20th, we will schedule a courtesy transfer around 4 PM to the venue. To be a part of the group ride, if possible please select a flight around the 1:55 PM arrival time (or earlier) to the Brindisi airport. There will be one transfer that day for the group. Our drive to the venue will be about 1 hour.  
  • For our departure from Italy on Sunday, October 27th, we will leave for the airport around 12 PM to catch a flight around the time of 3 PM (try to schedule your flight at this time or after). Again, if you are needing a different transfer time, please schedule that ahead as there will be only one transfer scheduled for our group that day.  
  • I understand that there are multiple flights coming to and from the airport and you may not find something close to these recommended times. If you are not able to book a flight for arrival at that time, you are responsible for finding a taxi or other transportation when you get there, or you can contact our venue ahead of time to schedule a car to get you. Rates may be more favorable that way.

Venue Accommodations

We have several room options for you with various price points, depending on how cozy you would like to be with your fellow students 🙂 You may not be used to having a roommate, but this trip is all about connection and I believe that by the end, we will all be great friends!

Shared Room (Triple Occupancy) Total Retreat Price: $2,900 USD per person
No more available

Room with 3 twin beds and 1 shared bathroom located in the Masseria Specula, which is our main venue. Each room has twin beds put together but that can be split apart for individuals. The third bed is off on its own in a connected, open space.

Price includes all retreat amenities: Accommodations, food, excursions, transportation, and painting classes with me.

Shared Room (Double Occupancy)
Total Retreat Price: $3,200 USD per person
1 spot left 

Room with 2 twin beds, 1 shared bathroom. This room is located in the Masseria Specula, which is our main venue. Each room has twin beds put together that can be split apart for individual use.

Price includes all retreat amenities: Accommodations, food, excursions, transportation, and painting classes with me.

Private Bedroom
Total Retreat Price: $3,500 USD per person
No more available

These rooms are located in the sister venue of the Masseria, about a minute down the country road. You will stay in a villa. Each villa has 2 bedrooms and a shared bathroom and kitchen. You would have one of the private bedrooms with a double bed (a single can also be added). There is a lovely pool at the venue.

Price includes all retreat amenities: Accommodations, food, excursions, transportation, and painting classes with me.

Typical bathrooms and furnishings in each room

Frequently Asked Questions

Although this is a watercolor painting retreat, you don't have to have previous experience with the medium! The way I teach is inclusive of all skill levels, whether you are a beginner, experienced, or just starting out with me in Italy! My big focus is to let go of the need for perfectionism in our art, using simple self-care techniques when we paint to learn to enjoy every step of our session, not just the end result. There is great joy and peace from putting brushstrokes on paper!

As I have listed in my sample schedule for the week, I have 7 painting sessions planned, each of which will probably last 1.5-2 hours a piece. There are several days where we have a morning and afternoon sessions and the other days we have one painting session and one excursion planned. But as we begin our trip together, we can be flexible on the length and amount of classes. The most important thing to me is that we are relaxing, don't feel rushed, and experience joy together by balancing painting with Italian fun :) We must have room for chill time and swimming.

Travel insurance is required to attend this trip and it will cover cancelations and interruptions, including the trip being cancelled by myself. If this happens, insurance should cover all expenses that you have paid out. If not, I will be glad to reimburse what is not covered. 

Meet the Team at Masseria Specula

This is a family-owned business, run by five individuals who are lovingly and carefully preparing for you to have the best experience at their venue! Carlo (2nd from the right) is the owner of the Masseria, who is assisted by Miriam (1st on the left) and Stephano to make sure things run smoothly. I have personally interacted with Carlo and Miriam and they have been overly kind, compassionate, and so helpful with our itinerary!

Rosanna and Franca prepare fresh and tasty meals to not only fill your bellies but comfort your soul. There's nothing like Italian cooking from scratch with local ingredients! Can somebody say fresh pasta?

Details About Our Excursions

Torre Guaceto

Torre Guaceto is a wildlife preserve, protection for the sea turtles. The area boasts lots of areas to walk around and guided hike, a wildlife rehabilitation center to see the sea turtles, as well as gorgeous a beach to swim in. A hike and picnic would be perfect here.

Salina Dei Monaci

The Salina dei Monaci (Monks' Salt Marsh) is a natural park located near the seaside on the Ionian sea, both of which are divided by a small amount of sand dunes. For many centuries, salt was extracted at this location. A variety of birds can be found there as well, including pink flamingos, dwarf heron, black-winged Stilt, and kingfisher). We will bike or ride to this lake during the week to paint flamingos on location.

Shopping - Trip to Lecce

Lecce is more about authenticity, farm-to-table menus, slow living and simplicity. This city is famous for its tradition in papier-maché and it's common to see artists actively creating their works of art with this material. Ceramics are another work of art that this place is known for and you are bound to find unique handcrafted gifts for your loved ones. We will spend an afternoon here viewing the history as we shop and dinner will be on your own. Don't forget to try the gelato!

Olive Oil Tasting

The area is rich in olive groves and we will be participating in an olive oil tasting to enjoy the rich variations the beautiful fruits have to offer! Along with the oils, we will hear how they are made, as well as enjoy some delicious appetizers alongside. 

What's Included:

  • Art classes, tuition, and painting demonstrations with Tammy Kaye (7-8 scheduled, but can be subject to change)
  • Accommodations at either the Masseria Specula or the neighboring Villa 1 min walking distance from the main venue
  • Exclusive usage of the venues and grounds, retreat rooms, gardens, terraces, etc. during the retreat (the villas also have a pool)
  • Rooms have AC/heat, and Wifi
  • Kristy Rice's 6-brush set, collapsible painters pot, travel brush, and paint palette included for each attendee! Also, Meeden Art's 10x7 cotton watercolor paper pad!
  •  Meals are vegetarian and are lovingly prepared by local chefs Rosanna and Franca with fresh ingredients. This is part of their strong committment to the sustainability of their venue (as well as planting more than 500 trees, solar panels, etc).
  •  Packed lunches for the hike to Torre Guaceto
  •  Excursions including:  A shopping trip to Lecce and an excursion to Torre Guaceto. We will even be able to experience making pasta from scratch! Private transportation to all excursions will be provided
  •   Bikes, beach chairs, and umbrellas are provided by the venue, as well as paper towels and glass water jars for painting
  •  Complimentary water, coffee, tea and an Italian bread snack called Taralli will be available
  •   Local taxes, as well as state and province taxes are included in the price of this trip
  •  Private WhatsApp group to share details of our upcoming plans where you can ask questions and connect with your fellow travelers 
  • 1 scheduled courtesy transfer from the airport and 1 scheduled courtesy transfer to the airport at assigned times

What Not Included

  • Airfare
  • Travel insurance - This is required for covering medical expenses, travel interruptions, and personal cancellation to cover anything that might require cancellation or a change in travel arrangements
  • If you are not able to schedule your flight within the recommend flight times for arrival and departure, you will miss the scheduled courtesy transfer and will find transportation on your own
  • Lunch during our shopping trip
  • The rest of the painting supplies not sponsored as listed above - I will share a detailed list of what to bring with ample notice
  • Tips for staff (not required but a kind gesture if you desire to do so)
  • Other expenses you may incur on your own


  • A non-refundable deposit of $800 + 2nd payment of $1,200 due to hold your spot ($2,000 total)
  • Remaining balance is due on August 20th ($1,200)
  • Feel free to pay your fees in full, if you desire
  • Payment options include: Personal or cashier's check or money order if in the United States. If you are overseas, you can use Paypal. However, Paypal has high fees and a check is also preferred, if possible.

Cancellation Policy

  • Once you have put down your deposit, you have confirmed your participation in the trip and it is non-refundable. 
  • We require you to purchase travel insurance to cover medical expenses, travel interruptions, and personal cancellation to cover anything that might require you having to cancel or make a change in travel arrangements. We will require proof of your insurance once you purchase it along with your flight.
  • If for some reason the trip has to be cancelled, you will be refunded what your travel insurance will not cover, if anything.  

Got More Questions About my Art Retreat?

Email me your questions
I'm happy to schedule a phone call or Zoom meeting with you to answer any further questions you may have :)

 Video music credit:
Night in Venice by Kevin MacLead
License: Creative Commons