How Watercolor Will Save You During this Holiday Season

Dec 18, 2023 |

Before the holidays start to stress you out this year, try these simple watercolor strategies and exercises to help you relax and find peace.

The holidays bring about mixed emotions and although we get very excited for them to come, we tend to experience a lot of stress and sometimes even resentment during them.

There are so many things on our to-do list, as well as many people to interact with. And can anyone relate to having a troubled family member that makes it so difficult to relax and enjoy your experience?

So before you preemptively get stressed out about your upcoming plans, here are several ways to keep yourself grounded and stress-free ahead of time, using these fun and simple watercolor activities.

1. The first thing to consider is setting up a space in which you can practice watercolor over the holidays. If you are home, no problem! But it gets more complicated if you are visiting other people. I suggest taking a simple painting kit with you and also asking your host if they don’t mind you setting up your items in a particular space in their home. Check out this simple painting kit for ideas on what to bring. It will encourage you to keep painting while on vacation, all the while having a place you can go to that is yours to use during that time.

2. Escape to paint for self-care. When you find yourself starting to get worked up, perhaps over a tumultuous conversation, excuse yourself and spend five or 10 minutes painting something simple. Try to keep your thoughts on your artwork and the joyful experience, rather than the stressful situation. After a few minutes of this practice, your brain and your muscles will calm down, allowing you to have a brief reprieve from the challenges you are experiencing. Do this as often as you need to during your vacation. This loose florals tutorial is a fun activity to try with this very focus.

3. Try mindful painting. When we are stressed out, we tend to focus on the bad things that have happened or the negative things we anticipate will happen in the future. But when we focus back on the present moment and what we can experience with our senses, thoughts melt away and we are present with our artwork. Think about the things you can see, smell, taste, touch, and hear around you. Maybe many of these senses are experienced by the sensations produced when you are painting. The more you practice being present and mindful, the easier it will get and you can utilize this skill in all aspects of your life. Here's some ideas on how to practice more mindfulness.

4. Paint your feelings. Art journaling is an effective tool to help you work through and process feelings that might come up during the holiday season. Some of us are frustrated with our current relationships, others are experiencing grief from broken relationships, or perhaps we have lost someone that we loved dearly. Sit down and take a few deep breaths. Then just start putting brushstrokes on paper, utilizing the colors that call to you at that moment. Once you have finished your art making, take a pen and doodle or write words or phrases that reflect your current mood. This will help you get it out on paper and allow you to move forward, feeling more refreshed and calm.

5. One of the best gifts you can give someone is the gift of something made with your very own hands. Perhaps during your intentional painting sessions, you can create some pieces that would make beautiful holiday gifts this season. Purchase a few frames to enhance your creations and don’t forget to sign your artwork! Sharing your paintings with others brings joy into their lives and as a result into yours as well.

And if you find the anxiety of perfectionism during the holidays is creeping into all that you do (possibly even your art), check out my new SkillShare course FOR FREE for 30 days to help you let go of this perfectionism through painting loose florals.

Remember that watercoloring is about the journey, not the end result, or at least that's the way I’m learning to paint. So embrace the imperfections that might occur during your painting sessions, reminding yourself that it’s just practice and you’re getting better with every brush stroke.

I wish you all well! Happy holidays, happy painting, and happy mental health.

Categories: : General Art Tips, Mental Health, Watercolor Painting